
Save 5%

$29.95 USD/mo

Or billed as $340 per year

Includes Up To 1 Location

Includes Up To 20 Decals

Unlimited Staff Accounts

Lost and Found Service

Reports & Analytics

Simple Check-In & Check-Out

Get Started


Save 10%

$69.95 USD/mo

Billed as $750 per year

Includes Up To 5 Locations

Includes Up To 100 Decals

All Standard Features

Customer Rental Portal

Shipping Support

Get Started


Save 15%

$119.95 USD/mo

Billed as $1,200 per year

Includes Up To 10 Locations

Includes Up To 500 Decals

All Pro Features

Branded Customer Portal

Expedited Onboarding & Support

Get Started

Feature Rich Platform

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Standard Features

SKU Management

Inventory Control

QR Decal Support

Rental Platform

Multiple Locations

In-Store & Direct Shipment

Simple Check-In & Check-Out


Incoming & Outgoing Shipments

Late Reservations

Popular Products & Customers


$29.95/ month


Available Feature
Unavailable Feature

* Up to 20 items

Unavailable Feature


Unavailable Feature
Available Feature
Unavailable Feature


Unavailable Feature
Available Feature
Unavailable Feature


$69.95 / month


Available Feature
Available Feature

* Up to 100 items

Available Feature


Available Feature

* Up to 5 locations

Unavailable Feature
Unavailable Feature


Available Feature
Available Feature
Available Feature


$119.95/ month


Available Feature
Available Feature

* Up to 500 items

Available Feature


Available Feature

* Up to 10 locations

Available Feature
Available Feature


Available Feature
Available Feature
Available Feature

Need More Than 500 Products & 10 Locations?

Karmik offers an Enterprise level account with unlimited inventory and locations.

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